SEO Chatter

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Three type of links in SEO you should know

Reader, This week, I've been working through some question-based topics around link building. The purpose is to give you a deep understanding of the various link types you can create for your
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How to get .gov backlinks for SEO

Reader, If you talk to any veteran SEO or long-time link builder, they rave about .gov backlinks. The reason being is these types of links tend to carry a lot of PageRank value. Which can then be
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Update: 3 slots open for 1-on-1 SEO consulting

I just wanted to let you know that all 3 spots have been taken for the 1-on-1 SEO consulting with me in March. Stay tuned for the next opportunity if you want to get personalized help with growing your
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3 slots open for 1-on-1 SEO consulting

Reader, Over the last year, I've had multiple people come and ask me for 1-on-1 SEO consulting. Some people booked a 1-hour session while others asked for two hours. During these meetings, we talk
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How to get backlinks with infographics

Reader, Want to know what I love about infographics? They can be created once... And then give you a valuable digital asset that can be reused over and over again to get unlimited backlinks from high
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Reminder: SEO course closes tomorrow

I just wanted to send you a quick reminder Reader. Jon Dykstra's Fat Stacks Course Bundle closes tomorrow (Sunday, March 6). Get the full details here: ​​
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The fast-track to SEO & niche site success

Reader, I first got into SEO and niche site building in 2005. And if you've heard anything about my story, then you know it took around 7 years before I finally cracked the code on how to do things
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My story with SEO...

Reader, As I told you in the welcome email: "There's a real person behind this newsletter." The truth is I've been doing SEO for 15 years and have the scars to prove it. And in this
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Here's how to index your backlinks faster

Reader, Want to index your backlinks faster in Google? So you can get the most out of your link building efforts and increase your PageRank scores? I put together an SEO guide to help you do just that.